How to Plan a Home Extension

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If you have decided to improve your home with a brand-new home extension, then there’s a number of things you need to consider before the work can actually commence. From the planning stages all the way to the final phases of construction, this particular branch of building work is among the most complex and time-consuming, so careful preparation is always going to be hugely beneficial.

Our team love helping people get the designs they desire in place so they can enjoy their homes in ways they never thought was possible. There are so many reasons to get home extensions built, whether it be for a home office, new playrooms or additional bedrooms. So, let’s go through the most important things to think about before proceeding with any extension work!

What is the Purpose?

As with most building work, you need to think about the core reason for it to even take place. Some of the most common justifications to get home extensions in place would be to open up more space in order to accommodate new family members or to provide somewhere different for people to chill out and unwind. The purpose of the room may dictate a lot of the structural and design choices, which is important for the architectural stages of the project. This means having a clear and concise idea about what the room is going to be used for will make things a lot easier for anyone aiming to bring your vision to life.

What is the Theme?

This again falls into the bracket of what the room will be used for as the colour choices and general design will be dictated by how you want to feel when you enter. Using bright and vibrant colours would be a great route to take for kitchen spaces, whereas bedrooms may benefit more from dark and cosy vibes. Getting personal with the décor is also a great way to really make your new extension feel part of your home and unique only to you. Perhaps decorate the walls with your favourite artistic works and integrate furniture you fell in love with whilst on your travels.

What is your Timeframe?

Given the often-large scale of home extensions, you may want to consider how this type of work may disrupt your day-to-day living for quite a sizable period of time. Building firms are of course going to strive and get things done as soon as they can, but we all know construction often brings up unwanted surprises along the way and causes slight delays over the timeframe being worked with. That’s why it’s important to be realistic about when the extension should be undertaken in order to avoid causing too much commotion around the home.


Home extensions are perhaps the biggest building projects we undertake, so we are well aware of how beneficial yet long-winded they can be. Our team make sure to work with you all the way to ensure you are handed a smooth and thorough level of service from start to finish. To find out more about our range of services for home extensions, why not get in touch with us now on 01279 771 133.


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